The source code of your pages has special tags that

Discover the five main steps to implement your SEO strategy for Black Friday: 1. Define strategic keywords Searches on Google and other search sites are made using words. Your goal should be to make your products on sale on Black Friday appear in searches for terms relat to them. To do this, it is important that you use these words appropriately on your pages. Do a search on a tool like Ubersuggest to discover relat terms that are in high demand and plan your approach. 2. Set prices and good descriptions Google’s algorithm uses the information contain in your pages to give them due importance when selecting which links to display in your results.

Such as source code and images.

Therefore, if you want a greater chance of appearing prominently, you ne to worry about including a good volume of relevant information on your pages. Fill in prices and other important data on your product pages. 3. Correctly configure your meta tags The source code of your pages has special tags that control what appears on Google results pages, especially the title and description. To increase your chances of success, the text contain in them nes to be as strategic as possible. Therefore, consult your e-commerce  Latest database management system documentation or your development team to standardize your meta tags. Remember to include the most important keyword on the page in them. 4.

Scan your website for bottlenecks that

Optimize your website elements Talking about optimization also involves thinking about compressing your pages’ resources, such as source code and images. An e-commerce that is too “heavy” will take time to load and this can harm your sales. Scan your website for bottlenecks that are compromising your loading spe. You can use Google’s own PageSpe ​​Insights to do this check. 5. Implement converting landing pages The best way to enhance your results is by Black Friday: how SEO can be the difference WS Phone List  for your e-commerce to sell more Flammo Team By Flammo Team October 30, 2018 The secret to selling more on the internet is showing your products to the right people.

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