There was time to be with someone

THOUGHT. “Just don’t grab the wheel.” We happily made it to the doctor and the loved one got help. But this event left a deep scar on me. If the situation has gotten this bad, how can I and others close to him prepare for this never happening again? May sales €6,142.31 The most read blog post of May: Why do you blog, even though your texts are forgotten after 15 minutes? JUNE 2016 Children’s summer vacation. I let out a sigh of relief. The 7th grade was difficult for both children. Especially one of the twins was severely bullied at school and outside of school. When they tried to start a fire by spraying deodorant on the starter and directing the shower at my child. When did hearing protectors get hit with a hammer? When the pants were pulled up to the ankles during recess. When he was hit, scratched and even approached.  factory and halogen lamps and concrete blocks were dropped on his feet from behind his back. When his bike got peed on.

When he was lured to an abandoned

When was his honor insulted by barking obscenities. When they threatened to beat and kill. And here is just a fraction of what new data happened during the year… Two criminal reports have been filed. The third is under consideration. The perpetrators have still not been held accountable. School bullying has not decreased at all in the past 30 years. Fortunately, the situation calmed down now and I was able to continue working. But the direction was still lost. It felt like the thoughts were the same porridge. Didn’t feel like writing, didn’t feel like doing anything. I just wanted to lie under the covers. give up. But… if I give up now, I know that one day that spark will rekindle. I know that I regret it when I have to start the whole thing from the beginning. So why not roll up your sleeves and get to work. June sales €16,600.11 June’s most read blog post: 7 mistakes to avoid if your blog has been on hiatus JULY 2017 In July, my thoughts started to normalize and a new fire was lit for blogging. I sat by my notebook for a long time and planned the rest of the year.

Another time I wanted to

new data

But a few days after my loved one was found on the toilet floor, another loved one was hospitalized. He had started coughing up blood and the inflammation levels were sky high. I was with my children in Jyväskylä, spending the last day of autumn vacation, when the call came. When I was told “No need to panic, but…” I knew what it was about. Someone close to me was diagnosed WS Phone List with COPD. Just like that. Fortunately, even this close person was able to go home after a week in the hospital. The devil’s black robe should go where the pepper grows.

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