About the software versions used is available

New Kids On The Block(chain) on the Dev Architecture stage – Mieczysław Suska (IT Architect at Capgemini Polska) will answer the question of whether IT specialists are ready for blockchain/DLT (Distribut Lger Technology). How to build a great website in 2023? GoHeadless! on the Marketing stage – Konrad Kuceł (from Naturalily) will present a recipe for creating websites in headless technology that will facilitate the work of marketers and attract customers.

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Accompanying events and networking Although Infoshare focuses on lectures, the main strength of the event lies in interpersonal Belize Mobile Database meetings. The conference gathers developers, marketers, directors, investors and startups. The accompanying events are an excellent opportunity for networking and establishing business contacts. During Infoshare 2023, the Before and After Party events, as well as the Great Networking Party with a live concert, will allow participants to get to know each other better in a relax, seaside atmosphere.

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During the Infoshare 2023 conference, there are accompanying events, such as a concert and afterparty. Karaś/Rogucki concert at Infoshare 2022 Let’s meet at our stand at in When WS Phone List writing about. Infoshare, we must not forget that it is a great. Place to talk to people and share your experiences. We are all the more. Pleas that as a silver partner, Droptica will have its stand (A192 – next to the check-in point) among excellent companies. If you’re attending an event, be sure to find us there, give us a high five, get our brand merchandise and spend some time chatting with our team.

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