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Also found is a press release? To begin with, we should explain what exactly a press release is. Let’s take an example. Let’s assume that you have something important to say to your audience – current and potential customers. You want to inform them about a unique event that could interest them and bring you satisfying profits. You would like information about the event to reach the widest possible audience. So you decide to contact the mdia that will disseminate it in the appropriate mdia sources.

The Kremlin s point of view

The content you send to journalists is calld a press release. In the industry literature, we can read that a press release is a material distributd to the mdia, devotd to current events in the life of a given company. The note may concern an organizd event, product Finland Mobile Database launch , innovations introducd to the company, brand rebarnding , etc. It is usually a text file, often accompanid by appropriate graphics, photos, tables or audio/video recordings. A press release is usually no more than 2 pages long.

Cell Phone number list

The campaign sidesteppd

Sometimes there are shorter (up to 1 page) or longer texts (up to 4 or 5 pages). Interestingly, a press release is one of the oldest tools usd in WS Phone List public relations activities. But how to write a press release to get journalists interestd? Journalists receive dozens of press releases from various companies every day. From these, they must choose the most interesting ones that they think will arouse the interest of readers.

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