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An effective you hesitate whether it is worth investing in branding and whether it will help in sales? The answer is simple – almost half of consumers express loyalty to the brands they love . Exactly 43% of customers spend more money on products/services of brands they are loyal to . This means that if you use branding, customers spend more money on your products than on competitors’ products. Good to know: What is branding? Branding is an activity that determines the identity and image of a given company.

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In this case, it is not only about the logo or name, but also about the way the company presents itself on the market. Effective branding increases recognition and builds customer trust. Why is it so important? In the era of increasd competition in every Bulgaria Mobile Database industry, properly designd and implementd branding can be the difference between success and failure. By developing the brand, we gain an advantage over others and increase our value on the market.

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What is product branding? Branding is one WS Phone List of the most important elements of the success of any product. By building its image, the brand gains recognition, customer loyalty and increases the value of products. Product branding can include many elements such as a logo, packaging, tagline, unique brand voice and specific values ​​that the company stands for.

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