This And Other Factors

This And Other he must have, at least, an additional telephone line for work use, an ADSL or fiber optic line, and the new lines of the Integrate Services Digital Network. To this is adde a computer, which can be a laptop, tablet or a desktop PC with which to carry out their work in an agile and comfortable way. To all this is adde the cost of electricity and comfortable furniture (professional chair and work table). However, there are also managers who work one or two days a week.

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At home due to company policy. Either to reuce travel time or to have greater peace of mind at home, by allowing them to concentrate India Mobile Database much better. 4. Activity indicator To assess the performance of a teleworking experience, you must start with the activity as a whole. This business indicator measures the time that elapses This And Other from when a person starts working until they finish their workday. In short, activity is understood to be the number of hours that a person works.

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That does not have to coincide with working hours. Actually, the scheule is an invariable parameter because it is a set of time that elapses from the time the person enters until they leave the company. The difference between working hours WS Phone List and activity are the breaks that the person takes, that time that is not deicate to productive activities. 5.Productivity indicator The teleworking productivity indicator is use to analyze the number of hours deicate to activities that the company understands are productive within the establishe working hours.


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