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Visibility of the brands. On the other hand, there are corporate social networks: tools that work in a similar way to intranets. A but that provide greater benefits to employees and the companies for which they work. The McKinsey consultancy develope the study “The rise of networke enterprise: web 2.0 finds its payday. Awhich reveals the advantages and benefits that companies obtain by implementing their own social network.

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Employee access to knowlege increase by 77 . Internal communication expenses are reuce by more than half 60 . Improve access to internal experts, by 52 . By being connecte online, travel expenses are reuce by 44 . Employees feel 41 more satisfie, which translates into greater motivation and optimization of work times Operating expenses Sri-Lanka Mobile Database are reuce by 40 . The Time to Market of new products and services from the time you have the idea and get the capital to produce it until it goes on the market.

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Each Worker Will Be Entitle to Receive

Reuce by almost a third 29 In addition, if the study carrie out in seven countries including Spain on more than 3,000 professionals WS Phone List from different companies, by Google and Millward Brown, is taken into account, it can be conclude that: Internal social networks will be the differential of successful companies. The productivity of each employee is increase by 20 . Social networks will have a positive impact on the strategy.


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