Create the bases of current trends

Create the bases o The case of nonreturn, what is guarantee is the completion of the function execution. By an exception, die or exiting no case may it end with return . Nor will it allow us functions with an implicit return , that is, in which an exception. Is not thrown or there is a call to debit . FibersrfcFibers are a similar concept to threads in computing. They are a lightweight alternative to threads and manage by the program itself. Unlike threads which are manage by the operating system. With the implementation of this functionality in the language. It is intend to achieve a solid base for libraries and frameworks , which use concurrency models, thus eliminating the ne for implementations of each of the projects.

Functionality guides serve as references

In this case, it is a functionality that probably will Italy Email Database not be part. Of our day to day unless we have very specific developments focus on concurrency. But rather focus on projects like ReactPHP or Amp . As it is the first implementation, it is very likely that in the next versions of these libraries and frameworks we will see how the use of fibers spreads and how the language continues to improve in this section. Read-only propertiesrfcThis is another particularly interesting functionality for those of us who work mainly on the development and maintenance of applications with PHP.

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They are available to everyone

In this case, the language adds the read-only keyword which WS Phone List will allow us to indicate that a property is readonly . In addition, as we can see in the example, it can be combin with the functionality known as the property promotion constructor and directly declare the property and the flag in the builder. When the readonly flag is us, the property value can only be written once, regardless of whether it is in the constructor or in another method as long as the initialization is within the class framework. For example, we will not be able to assign.

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