When using CodeIgniter. controllers play a crucial role in handling various requests from users. Controllers are responsible for taking input from the user. processing it. and generating an appropriate output. In this section. we will discuss how to create controllers in CodeIgniter and how to effectively handle requests using them.
To create a controller in CodeIgniter
you first nee to understand the structure of estonia phone number the controller file. Each controller in CodeIgniter is a PHP class that extends the core CI_Controller class. This class should be save in the controllers directory of your CodeIgniter application. The naming convention for controllers is to start the controller class name with an uppercase letter and follow the CamelCase convention.
When a request is made to the URL domain.com/welcome. CodeIgniter will look for a corresponding method in the controller class and execute it. Inside the method. you can write logic to process the request. retrieve data from the database. or perform any other necessary task.
CodeIgniter provides a simple
Intuitive way to pass data to the controller Afghanistan Phone Number List methods. You can use URL segments. GET parameters. or POST data to pass information to the controller methods. CodeIgniter automatically parses this data and makes it available to the controller methods through the input class.
To improve the security of your controllers
And prevent unauthorize access. CodeIgniter allows you to define access restrictions for controller methods. You can use the built-in authentication and authorization mechanisms in CodeIgniter to ensure that only authenticate users can access certain controller methods.
When creating controllers in CodeIgniter
it is important to follow the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern. This helps in modularizing your code and keeping it organize. Controllers should only be responsible for handling user input and coordinating with the model and view components to generate a response.