Depending Of To The Internet

Will choose to take the 4 units for 4 euros, although taking one, two or three would have meant an equivalent outlay. The employer will deuct from his workers, at the time of making their remuneration effective, the contribution that corresponds to each of them. If he does not make the discount at that time, he will not be able to do it later, being oblige to pay all the installments at his exclusive expense. In the proof of payment of said remuneration.

It Teams Will With Of Devices Connected

The employer must inform the workers of the total amount of the Social Security contribution indicating, in accordance with the Benin Mobile Database provisions of article 103.2, the part of the contribution that corresponds to the contribution of the employer and the part corresponding to the worker, in the terms that are determine by regulation.” In order to comply with the provisions of the aforementione article.

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Security Challenges Will Becomecomplex

November 6 is approve , by which, within a period of six months from the date of entry into force of this order, companies will adapt to WS Phone List the new model that the salary receipt models that they have been using are approve. Until now, the workers’ salary receipts only include the contribution base and the type of withholding corresponding to the worker’s contribution.


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