Desk research also secondary research

From there, it will be possible to create more focused and relevant content. For each type of consumer of your product. c) Mapping the consumer’s journey helps in. Your marketing planning and understanding when your service or product is triggere. How to make? To understand your competitors there are several possibilities on the MindMiners platform. One of them is the Personas questionnaire, which allows you to obtain realistic. Characteristics of your consumer to guide your marketing efforts. Other ready-to-use questionnaires are the Purchase Journey and Brand Health questionnaires.

How can research professional

The first aims to analyze the path taken until closing the purchase, the moment of life. Since churn can be cause by other reasons and not directly related to dissatisfaction with the brand. How the consumer decides for a product and several other aspects. Brand Health, on the other hand, aims to understand the respondent’s relationship Malaysia Business Email List with their brand and those of competitors, going through perception, consumption funnel, brand knowledge and familiarity. Knowing your consumers allows you to create campaigns and products that meet their real needs or create more desire for your product. In addition, winning motivate and happy customers decreases the percentage of churn.

B2B Email List

Know the target audience

Ask questions at the right time Try to be available to receive opinions and answers at any time. One possibility is to include a banner within your website or blog with questions related to satisfaction or experience at that time. This ensures that, if your consumer is angry and likely to stop using your product/service, you listen to what they WS Phone List have to say and apply the necessary actions. Remembering that talking and conducting research with the consumers you lost helps you understand when, where and why they left or stopped consuming your product. In addition, it indicates whether they went to a competitor or if the service provided lost value and need. This information makes it possible to carry out analyzes and make decisions with more assertiveness and intelligence.

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