The momentum and enthusiasm behind the project. Doing things well has a very high prize here. The opportunity cannot be misseor not having submitte the documentation for the entire family unit, if not require . Cadastral certificate of real estate. Simple note from the Property Registry, if charges are allege on a property. Certificates of registrations and cancellations of the Social Security. INEM certificate of periods of unemployment and receipt of subsidies.
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Certificate from the Public State Employment Service SPEE stating the receipt of unemployment aid and its extension period. Public Denmark Mobile Database pension collection certificate. Corporate Tax settlement certificate in the case of legal persons . Photocopy of the declaration of public utility or registration in the Registry of Foundations in the case of legal entities . Certificate of the company that accreits the annual gross income.
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He should also pay the expert reports carrie out by private technicians if his economic situation improves in the three years after the WS Phone List completion of the process. If the owner of the aforementione right were to win the lawsuit, with economic benefit involve and a judgment that did not rule on the costs, he should pay those cause in his defense.