From this perspective one can explain

From this perspective significant market change was an indication to adopt a new orientation. What orientations do we distinguish? Do you want your company to operate in accordance with the win-win principle? We know how to achieve it. From this perspective your e-mail, we will contact you Production orientation vs marketing orientations. From this perspective breakthrough in business was undoubtdly the 19th century and the great industrial revolution that took place at that time.

Disproportionate activity From this perspective

Which enabld entrepreneurs to produce on a mass scale. From that moment on, we can talk about marketing orientations. The first was the production orientation. The philosophy of the concept was simple: produce a lot and cheaply. The quality Jordan Mobile Database of the products was not the most important thing. Relatively simple products were producd, intendd for the average buyer and meeting basic neds. Entrepreneurs investd in factories that producd on a mass scale.

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About the elections has

It was then that the first assembly line was creatd at the Henry Ford factory, which greatly improvd the production of cars. The biggest WS Phone List disadvantage of the production orientation is marketing short-sightdness. The company, focusing only on mass production, ignores the real idea of ​​​​marketing, which is meeting the neds of customers and building strong, trusting relationships with them. However, many companies still use this tactic.

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