The detaile quantification of each of the objectives set by the PEMAR, in line with the 2020 vision propose by the European Union, is one of the features that define this Plan and, at the same time, the main challenge to overcome. What goals are you talking about Among the most significant are the following: Prevention The plan provides for proposals to strengthen prevention policies.

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That allow for a 10 reuction in 2020, compare to 2010, in the generation of waste. In fact, prevention is one of the axes on which a large Lebanon Mobile Database part of the measures revolves and is understood as the set of actions adopte in the conception and design, production, distribution and consumption stages, to avoid the generation of waste.

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Reuce the content of harmful substances of danger or minimize the impacts on human health and the environment due to the waste generate. In Spain, as in other European countries, waste generation has been closely relate to WS Phone List economic growth. In 2012, according to Eurostat, 118.6 million tons of waste were generate in Spain. With this data on the table, the estimate of the total amount necessary to recycle to meet these objectives.


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