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In online marketing we have a lot of information about how our users respond, and we can analyze it to improve our results. One of the pillars of this analysis is web analytics ; so today we are going to see what it consists of, 5 steps to measure online results and 5 essential tools .


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Web analytics and 5 tools to measure your online results


What is web analytics?

Web analytics consists of collecting information generated by users visiting our website and interacting with it in various ways. We then analyse all this data to obtain insights that help us improve our marketing: optimising the website to increase conversions, improving our marketing campaigns, identifying our potential audience…

Originally, web analytics focused

On the technical aspects of a site, such as Middle East Mobile Number List time and other details of how it works. Over time, it has come to focus more on marketing-related metrics, such as average visit time or conversions. In fact, both are aspects to consider, as the technical side is still very important to ensure a good user experience.

Another important distinction is between

Web analytics versus digital analytics . As the name suggests, the former focuses exclusively on the brand’s website. Although it is essential to evaluate the performance of our website (especially if we have an e-commerce site), we cannot forget that it is just another point of contact within an integrated digital marketing strategy. Therefore, digital analytics is responsible for measuring the online results of all the channels that make up our marketing (social networks, mobile applications, email marketing…)

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How to measure your online results in 5 steps

Set your goals . It is essential that web analytics is linked to business objectives; otherwise, it will not really WhatsApp Material to our marketing. Therefore, the first thing you have to do is sit down and define what you want to achieve with your website and establish a series of KPIs (key performance indicators).

Collect the data

Here it is important to collect all the information we need, but without getting lost in unnecessary data. To store and visualize all this information, we will use digital analytics tools (such as those explained in the next section.

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