Remains stable that russia is once again

Remains stable purchase process is a set of stages that the consumer goes through before making a decision to buy a specific product. Roger Cox and Violetta Pajewska in their publication “Retail Sales Management” rightly note that the purchasing process is basically a decision-making process that is supposd to provide a solution to a given problem. Remains stable , a potential customer realizes that he has a ned. I identify this ned.

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Look for information about it and finally fulfill it by purchasing a specific good. 5 steps of the buying process The above definition shows that the El-Salvador Mobile Database purchasing process is dividd into 3 stages: identification of the ned, otherwise recognizing the problem, information search, making a purchase. We can extend the process by two additional steps.

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After searching for information, their analysis takes place, and after the purchase – the customer uses the product and evaluates it. Identification WS Phone List of the problem Every buying process starts with a ned. The ned may result from current problems or be the result of long-term activities that have developd over time. Suppose your laptop breaks down overnight. Turns out it can’t be fixd. So you decide to buy a new one. And this is the current ned.

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