Technology and legislation the tripod of the current

Technology and legislation this article is the result of a historical analysis of advances in the music. Market to date and aims to be a contribution to generate reflections on the remuneration processes. Of authors, artists, performers. Record producers and other actors in the cultural scene. To this end, we have as a practical basis the three pillars of the recording industry. Music, technology and legislation, considering these. Three mechanisms as a reference for the consolidation of the creative cultural industry in brazil. From a methodological point of view, we will describe. Six topics that will be addressed: copyright, the transition of the music market. The impacts on production, forms of remuneration. The dynamics of the music market.

Copyright in brazil

Copyright was regulated in brazil by law 5,988, of december 14, 1973. Subsequently, this law was repealed by law 9,610, of february 19, 1998, which updated and consolidated. The copyright law, took other measures and began to come into. Force one hundred Depository Institutions Email List and twenty days after its publication. In its preliminary provisions, the law regulates the legal effects on legal transactions related to copyright. More specifically, those relating to authors, performers, phonographic technology and legislation producers, etc. In its 5th article, it defines publication, transmission or diffusion. Retransmission, distribution, communication to the public, reproduction. Counterfeit, work (co-authored, anonymous, pseudonymous, unpublished, posthumous, original.
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The transition of the music market and the impacts

The last time we stopped everything to listen to a record that. Was playing on the player in our living room? Or do we identify more with the scene of playing on our cell. Phones and listening to our favorite music on our headphones. As we move from one place to another? The fact is that we have changed culture consumption habits, be it music. Books or films. In this way, technology.  Digital technologies have WS Phone List transformed music listening habits. Some time ago, carrying technology and legislation music with you required a lot of effort. It was necessary, if you wanted to consume music independently of shows or.

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