We start from the value of the text size

We start from Apple logo golden ratio golden ratio how to use the golden ratio to rank typography hierarchy. Is the visual control of information in the layout of a design. We already know that the visual hierarchy directly influences the order in which the human eye perceives what it sees. In graphic design we use the hierarchy to achieve cohesion and structure. Visual order, create direction, generate emphasis and also to guide the viewer’s reading. I want to share with you a fairly simple trick to prioritize texts and typography using. The golden ratio or the fibonacci sequence. It has happen to all of us on some occasion, that we did not finish deciding.

The Fibonacci sequence and assign

The difference or exact size that there should be between. The typography of a headline and the typography of a paragraph text. Using the golden ratio we will be able to draw very accurate relationships for the sizes of the texts Czech-Republic Mobile Database and to establish. A functional, coherent and harmonious hierarchy. Typographic hierarchy with the fibonacci sequence typographic hierarchy using the fibonacci sequence. To do this we only have to choose numbers follow by each of these numbers to the font sizes. Here below i leave a clear example. Or if you prefer to establish the rest of the values ​​starting from a specific one, you can choose to divide or multiply.

Cell Phone Number List

The subject of myths and conjecture

The golden number, depending on whether of the headline or the paragraph. Dismantling the golden ratio on countless occasions we have been told over and over again that the golden ratio was the perfect ratio. We were warn that if we really want to WS Phone List design something beautiful and harmonious in graphic design, we ne to make use of it. If you ask me, i will tell you that all of the above has been. In graphic design, we will be able to find good designs that use this proportion and achieve a result with beauty and harmony.

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