With very bright colors We have integrat a new set of constraintsAll , AtLeastOneOf , Sequentially , Collectionthat allow us to generate much more powerful validation rules without having to implement a custom constraint . With them, we can indicate that it complies with all of themAll , at least one AtLeastOneOfor check them sequentially Sequentially . Enuma Type Regarding forms, we have a new type, coinciding with the new version of PHP which includes a new data structure very common in other languages, call e num . With the EnumType , we can create our enums and add them to the form, without having to map them with a choice or similar as.
Pleasant contrasts to give life and freshness
We have been doing up to now. bash completion Germany Email Database Undouble, this is a change that does not imply any improvement for the client, but it makes life much easier for developers, proof of this are the votes that people have given it on github . Now we have the autocomplete from the terminal very useful for not having to type command names, or having to remember their syntax precisely. It is true that we can create aliases for this, but it is always better to autocomplete it for you . At the moment it only works in bash , but there are already PRs to make it work in zsh and fish, among others.
Maximum quality in the images
Gif source httpsgithub symfonysymfonypull improvementssymfony Profiler improvements On the Profiler side, we have a lot of improvements that WS Phone List are a step up from DX , just like the previous change. On the one hand, we have the email preview without having to install anything additional or, in the case you’re using docker compose , without having to use a container with an image to capture the mail like mailhog . This is a great advantage when debugging emails , in the same request that sends the email we can be seeing it email generat through the notifier component.