technique is storytelling

Good reading! What is online to offline? The term O2O or Online-to-offline is a concept that emerged in China, but which has been gaining a lot of space here in Brazil. It is nothing more than the offer of products or services that the consumer uses in the physical. World, but that are bought or found first in the digital world. That is, the consumer’s first or most significant contact with your brand, service or product is made over. The internet and this relationship matures and continues in the offline environment.

Shown and the respondent

According to data from the CNDL (National Confederation of Shopkeepers), the vast majority of Brazilians (97%) search for information online before making a purchase in physical stores. How Does O2O Work? The O2O (Online-to-Offline) Business Luxembourg Business Email List Model is adopte by several companies that advertise their businesses online to find and bring customers to consume their products and services in the offline world. It works by attracting users on the internet, offering offers, reservations, recommendations and showing where people can find the brand. This serves to create real world buying opportunities ( Lead generation ) for retailers.

B2B Email List

A story that revolves

A beverage brand decide to carry out a digital marketing campaign, with the aim of becoming better known and attracting more consumers to its points of sale. For this, it carries out a campaign base on geolocation ( geomarketing ), that is, an action that will only impact consumers in strategic regions, close to the stores that resell its product. The public is impacte WS Phone List by digital advertising that informs, in real time, that the drink in question is on sale in a store that is close to its current location, bringing more consumers to the store. Read more about Local SEO → Modern consumer journey We know that in the digital environment, the purchase journey can be different for each customer. Each user has their own maturation path and purchase decision. Which ends up happening when it suits you best. However, it is possible that you can help.

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